Once you put all the work into cleaning up your credit history you want to see your efforts pay off fast. That makes sense. The reality is the speed at which your credit improvements are reflected in your score can sometimes be manifest quickly and other times rather slowly. The same holds true with credit […]
How to Dispute an Error on Your Credit Report
You can dispute an error on your credit report. Though it’s a fairly difficult process, it is doable, but you have to be well organized and fully prepared to see it through to the end. Here’s what you need to do to dispute an error. Facing Credit Reality: You’re Guilty Until Proven Innocent If you […]
Should You Get A Credit Consultation?
If you have tarnished credit and have tried to clean it up, a consultation with a reputable credit repair company might be the next step to take. If nothing else, that credit counseling will help you get some direction in dealing with your credit issues. This doesn’t mean you have to hire someone. It means […]
Debt Negotiation, Debt Settlement or Bankruptcy – Which is Best to Fix Your Credit?
So many people wrestle with debt and credit problems, even years after the Great Recession. Maybe you’re one of them. If so, there are several different ways to try to fix your credit and get out of debt. In fact, there might be a dozen or more ways to do this. Still, most people focus […]
Can Debt Settlement Fix Your Debt and Credit Problems?
Debt settlement is one of several things that may help you fix your debt problems. It may not work in all cases, and it could very easily make your credit problems much worse. But if you want to avoid bankruptcy, it’s a strategy that is certainly worth consideration. What is Debt Settlement? Debt settlement is […]
Debt Negotiation Is Likely To Have Negative Consequences On Your Finances
There are several ways for you to deal with your debt and credit problems, including debt negotiation, debt settlement, and bankruptcy. In this article, I want to focus on debt negotiation, since it is probably the least understood of the three. Debt negotiation is your effort to get a creditor to agree to lesser terms […]
When Bankruptcy Is the Best Solution For Credit and Debt Problems
The very word “bankruptcy” is intimidating. Just the mention of the word conjures up visions of living on the street and being penniless, and even of not having a future. That’s more than a bit of an exaggeration of course. But there are serious consequences involved in bankruptcy filing that you should take very seriously […]
What to Do if Your Income Isn’t Covering Your Expenses
Do you find it difficult to make ends meet each month? Do you shake with worry when some unexpected major expense pops its ugly head? If so, you’re not alone. An unsettling report came out back in 2011 that indicated that 64% of American households don’t have as much as $1,000 to handle an emergency. […]
How To Deal With Mean Debt Collectors
I remember when I was about 14 years old. There was a period of several months when my parents told me NOT to answer the phone under any circumstances. I thought it was strange at the time of course but as a good little Pilgrim, I listened. It didn’t take long to figure out what […]
When It’s Time to Get Help With Your Credit
It’s only natural to push off dealing with credit problems. On the one hand, it’s uncomfortable and can be a little degrading. On the other hand, there is always a chance that things could improve and that everything will work out. The problem is that every day you wait costs money. And that means that […]
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