If you have a bunch of bad credit in your past, and you are looking to get a fresh start, you should take a serious look at credit builder loans. They can be the perfect way to rebuild your credit, and the whole process is surprisingly easy and painless. What is a Credit Builder Loan? […]
In this section, I’ve provided a broad array of resources to help you understand everything there is to know about credit reporting. I explain how to maximize your credit score and what to do if your number is lower than you’d like. As you’ll discover, there are a whole host of things you can do yourself to improve and fix your credit rating. I also talk about debt and bankruptcy and how you can avoid both.
Why You Must Repair Your Credit Before You Retire
A disturbing trend has developed in recent years in which people are retiring with substantial amounts of debt. Some of the people carrying debt also have bad credit. But if bad credit can be a problem during your working life, it will be even more so once you retire. That’s why you must repair your […]
Young With Bad Credit – And Why You Must Get it Fixed
Lots of young people – typically young adults in their 20s – have bad credit. In fact, at times it can seem as if youth and bad credit are a perfectly natural match. But whether that’s true or not, it’s important that you get your bad credit fixed as soon as possible. Even though you […]
A Good Credit Score Can Mask a Serious Debt Problem
A good credit score is a source of pride and even prestige. People with high credit scores are sometimes fond of sharing their scores with others. It can be seen as a validation of our worth as borrowers, and at the extreme, as people. That’s because a high credit score indicates that we pay our […]
How a Bad Credit Score Can Affect Leasing an Apartment
We naturally expect that credit will be issued when applying for a mortgage to buy a house. But it can also matter when it comes to renting. A bad credit score can affect leasing an apartment, and often in ways that aren’t obvious. Most Landlords Will Check Your Credit Just as is the case with […]
8 Common Credit Report Errors You May Need to Repair
There are common errors that can appear on your credit report and drag your credit score down. You may need to repair these errors. Some may seem to be errors, but the information is actually accurate. How they came to be is the real issue. Certain repairs can be fairly easy to fix, while others […]
You May Need Credit Repair if You’re the Victim of Identity Theft
If you’ve ever been a victim of identity theft, know anyone else who has, or have read some of the horror stories, then you know how debilitating the situation can be. Your credit can be destroyed, your savings depleted, and your life impaired – all for a situation that you didn’t create. The credit damage […]
6 Mistakes That Can Torpedo Your Credit
Most people who are mired in credit problems, or have recently moved beyond them, can point to specific reasons why they got into trouble. There are mistakes that can torpedo your credit, and only when you know what they are can you possibly hope to avoid them. Here are six of the most common mistakes […]
Can You Have Bad Credit Even if You Have No Debt?
On the surface, this seems entirely improbable. Bad credit, even if you have no debt? Actually, it’s not unlikely at all. Credit reports and credit scores are a measure of your credit history, much more so than an evaluation of the current state of your finances. There are all kinds of credit situations that can […]
When Credit Problems Are Caused by Income Disruption
Of all the factors that cause credit problems, income disruption is perhaps the most overwhelming. After all, income is required in order to service debt, and when that income is disrupted, it means your ability to maintain your credit profile virtually disappears. But that’s not all. You May Have to Juggle Debt Payments This is […]
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