Improving your credit after foreclosure is a step that is absolutely necessary. Foreclosure is one of those credit issues that has far-reaching effects on almost every area of your life. The sooner you can get back on the right track, the closer you will be to restoring your life back to something that looks like […]
In this section, I’ve provided a broad array of resources to help you understand everything there is to know about credit reporting. I explain how to maximize your credit score and what to do if your number is lower than you’d like. As you’ll discover, there are a whole host of things you can do yourself to improve and fix your credit rating. I also talk about debt and bankruptcy and how you can avoid both.
Is Swearing Off Credit the Solution to Your Credit Problems?
If you have dealt with credit problems in the past, you may have promised yourself that you’ll never borrow again. You might reason that living without credit will be living without credit problems. And while there is some logic to that thinking, life has an almost comical way of going in unexpected directions. For most […]
How to Repair the Damage Done by Identity Theft
If you have been a victim of identity theft you are the victim of a crime. That’s a criminal matter to be handled by the police. But as a result of the identity theft, you could be left with damaged credit. How bad the damage will be will depend upon how extensively the thief used […]
5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Close Out that Credit Card
It’s not at all unusual for people to close out a credit card after paying it off. But in most cases, it’s not the right thing to do. As hard as it is to believe, closing out a credit card can actually hurt your credit situation, much more so than it can help. We’ll start […]
Is it Possible to Have a Judgment Removed From Your Credit Report?
If you have a judgment on your credit report, it will be one of the more difficult entries to change in your favor. In fact, since it is a claim decreed by a court, there’s very little opportunity to have it removed from your credit report at all. What recourse do you have when there […]
What to Do If You Have Collections on Your Credit Report
Collections on your credit report are hardly uncommon. Often they don’t even come from a regular creditor, but from someone who you’ve done business with in the past. It could be a landlord, a utility company, or a repair company. If you have an unpaid balance with them, or if they even think that you […]
Why Your Free Credit Score Isn’t the Score the Lender Uses
Have you ever wondered why the credit score used by a lender is different from the one that you got from your free credit score provider? The truth is that it’s the most realistic outcome. That’s because lenders use one credit score, while free credit score providers issue one that’s totally different. How can it […]
Why You Need Your Credit Scores from All Three Credit Bureaus
There are dozens of credit monitoring services available, each offering its own unique level of service. But since credit monitoring companies are trying to operate profitably, they do cut corners. One way to do this is by providing your credit report and credit scores from just one of the three major credit bureaus. This may […]
How to Spot Credit Repair Scams
Few people are as vulnerable to scams as people who have credit problems. After all, bad credit makes it hard to get a loan, an insurance policy, or even certain jobs. It’s only natural to want to do something – anything – that will improve both your credit report and your credit score. But the […]
Why You Need to Eliminate Credit Stress as Soon as Possible
Credit problems usually start small. Over time, the same problem that you have with one creditor affects your standing with others. By then you’re almost certainly experiencing credit stress, and it is having an effect on virtually all areas of your life. If this sounds familiar, then you need to eliminate credit stress as soon […]